Monday, 10 November 2008

Two of a kind

What life is like when there's an extra chromosome in the picture.

A unique documentary that shows the differences between a set of fraternal twins, Edward and Diana, one of which has Down Syndrome.

Edward and Diana above and below.

Where are we going to film?

We shall be filming in the twins hometown of Rutland in the following places:

  • At Home
  • At Edwards place of work.
  • At Edwards basketball practise.
  • At Diana's universtity in Nottingham.

When its going to take place?

We will be filming on the 18th and the 19th of November 2008.


Beginning - Looking back at the past and photo montages of the twins childhood and outline the facts of down syndrome.

Middle - Comparing the current lifestyles.

End - Looking into the future and what it will bring for Edward and Diana.


We got in contact with two muscians from Bournemouth university who have agreed to compose and record our soundtrack.

Visual Elements.

  • Split screen interview.
  • Photomontage.
  • Combination of wide shots, close ups,mid shots, over the shoulder and ecperimental.

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